Hurricane Healing welcomes Stuart Tabrett as the project director and says thanks to Damien Reilly for all his support.
We are very pleased to announce that Stuart Tabrett will be taking over as the project director. ...more
Hurricane Healing makes a new donation for 2017 for sales complete up to the 1st of October 2016.
We are very pleased to advise we have been able to make another payment to the Salvation Army tod...more
Happy New Year for 2017 to all the supporters of Hurricane Healing and the team at the Salvation Army Long Beach, CA !!!
Its been a while since we updated the website and we wanted to say a happy new year to all the ar...more
During the Christmas and New Years break, Hurricane Healing made another donation to the Salvatio...more
New York Shows for Jessy Tomsko.
Folk/Pop artist Jessy Tomsko has signed on for two shows in Astoria, New York for August and Octo...more



Happy New Year for 2017 to all the supporters of Hurricane Healing and the team at the Salvation Army Long Beach, CA !!!

Its been a while since we updated the website and we wanted to say a happy new year to all the artists and labels from Blue Pie that have supported the Hurricane Healing project. 

Its been just over a decade since we started and since then we have been able to pay a total of $1150.73 to the Del Oro divisional office of the Salvation Army in California. Please see the payment receipts attached below. If you would like to confirm any donations or to talk to the Salvation Army about how you can help then please contact Deborah Knutson on the contact details below. The Salvation Army - DOING THE MOST GOOD and helping victims of Hurricanes all over the world. 

With the help of Blue Pie Records this website and all the support and updates have been able to maintained for the past decade. The staff and all the students and management team at Blue Pie's partners all help to maintain and support the site. We have some new compilations that will be updated on the site this week and a huge note of thanks goes out to all the team that provide their time for free. 

The music world has changed so much since we started 10 years ago and now everything is all about streaming. No one seems to want to pay for music anymore. With that being said the project will still continue with some new initiatives this year from our corporate partners. 

After the global financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 it was very hard for everyone. CD sales became non existent and we ended up giving away nearly all of our CD stock to the local Sydney travelers at peak hour on Xmas eve in 2009. We have around 45 digital albums still up online and while the music we have is old and not so much in demand these days people are still downloading and streaming the albums. 


We will have a new donation report by the 15th January and a new donation to the Salvation Army to report for approx $365. We will load the payment receipt once we make this to the Salvation Army this week. 

We will keep everyone updated as we move to help the Salvation Army with raising funds to help victims of Hurricanes all over the world. For anyone that wants to make contact with the Salvation Army and help support as well they can reach out to our contact rep below in the Long Beach office. 

Deborah Knutson 

Public & Corporate Relations Director, USA Western Territory 

The Salvation Army - DOING THE MOST GOOD 

180 E. Ocean Boulevard | Long Beach, CA 90802 

p: +1 562 491 8351

p: +1 310 753 7578 

f: +1 562 491 8551

visit us at

Attachment 1: HH - Hurricane Healing Donation Salvation Army -284.64 Date 040112.pdf
Attachment 2: HH - Hurricane Healing Donation Salvation Army -328.91 Date 150511.pdf
Attachment 3: HH - Hurricane Healing Donation Salvation Army -537.18 Date 2902008.pdf

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